Patriotic Symbols

The National Flag:
Created by Manuel Belgrano on February 27, 1812 and adopted as such by law on July 25, 1816. The Argentine Flag is the reflection of the patriotic sky, as one can contemplate on calm days: a light blue sky colour with no clouds, with the sun of freedom shining in the middle of it. You can know more about it at the Belgranian National Institute. 

The Argentine National Anthem:

It was approved by the National Assembly on May 11, 1813. The text was composed by Vicente López y Planes and the music by Blas Parera. It was first sang in Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson’s house. In 1890, during the Presidency of Julio Argentino Roca, it was decreed that in official festivities schools would only sing the first and last quartet and the chorus; with the purpose of keeping an harmonious co–existence with the Spaniards residing in Argentina and with Spain. If you want more information about the National Anthem, please check the cultural Events of the Ministry of Education. 

The Escarapela:
Among several versions, there is one that asserts that the white and light blue colours were first adopted by the Patricios, the first urban military body of the Río de la Plata, during the British invasions (1806–1807). Afterwards the Escarapela became popular among native people. It is also said that the Argentine Escarapela was first used by a group of ladies in Buenos Aires in an interview with Colonel Cornelio Saavedra, chief of the Patricios Regiment, on May 19, 1810. For more information you can check the cultural Events of the Ministry of Education. 

The National Coat of Arms:

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