Population and Government

At present, the total population of the country is 40 million of inhabitants and it is made up in 23 provinces and the Federal Capital City, which is Buenos Aires. The Spanish is the official language of Argentine, usually is use the “vos” pronoun than the “you” in the language.
Argentine has a representative, republican and federal government, each province passes its own constitution since was modified the constitution on 1994. The new constitution made up in three powers the government: Executive, Judicial and Legislative.
The executive power is represented by the President and the Vice-president; they are elected by the people for a 4 years term. The legislative power is vested for the congress which consist in two powers; the Senate, composted for  three represents of each province and three senators of Buenos Aires city. The House of Deputies consists of representatives elected by the people; the number of deputies is proportional at number of inhabitants for each province. The Judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Court of Justice and by other lower courts.

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